Essential Oils for Life Webinar

Blooming lavender in a field at sunset in Provence, France

Essential Oils For Life

Natural Options to Support Your Family’s Health


“I love voodoo oils and I am a registered nurse. Anyone who claims that oils are a scam needs to do research on both sides of the eastern and western medicine debate. Western medicine has its place with certain things but many many medicines are more toxic than the disease they are masking or band aiding. Big pharmaceutical companies are banking on the fact that people blindly follow the herd and don’t investigate the potential side effects of traditional drugs! More and more research is pointing to herbs, oils, and good nutrition as a remedy. We MUST fix the cause- not merely manage the symptoms. Oils CAN and DO provide this venue for us! Do the research folks!”

Rachel J.
Registered Nurse
“I had a really bad headache…the worst I’ve ever had before, no question…I could feel every heart beat, I couldn’t think of anything but the oils so my Mom got peppermint and she put it on my temples, my forehead, my neck, and behind my ears…within seconds the pain went down and I could open my eyes with out getting a very sharp pain. Now its just a tiny little headache, nothing compared to what it was!

Taylor T.
Oil User

Christy has been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years, and a health and wellness educator for over 10 years, but her favorite title is that of a wife and mom.

It was through her own family’s journey to wellness that she found the beauty of essential oils. After experiencing incredible results she decided she wanted to share the life-changing benefits with other individuals and families.

Over ten years later and thousands of lives impacted she is excited to share this information with you!